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Emotion Code & Body Code

Dr. Bradley Nelson, Originator and Author of The Emotion Code and Body Code Systems, explains.
Emotion Code


"The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and literally clear trapped emotions- which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions can cause depression, anxiety, they can block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain and even cancer. Clearing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal- so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable."

Body Code

"The next level of this type of energy work is called The Body Code, where we identify and correct the different imbalances that cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems for people. A lot of it deals with the health of the energy body where we clear trapped emotional energies (emotional baggage) and correct blocked chakras and meridians and such. There is a physical side as well where we look for things like infections, toxins, nutritional deficiencies and structural imbalances and address those according to whatever the client's body needs. Basically, this work is all about removing imbalances in order to make conditions right for the body to heal itself."

What is a Heart-Wall?

"The Heart-Wall has been called "the most important discovery in the history of energetic medicine". The heart is actually the core of our being; it is the center of our soul, the seat of the subconscious mind, and the seat of all our creativity. Sometimes we experience pain in the heart area when someone is hurting us, or when we are feeling deeply grieved. This physical sensation, which we refer to as heartache, is caused when this deepest part of our being is assaulted in some way. If you feel this deep heartache more than a couple of times the subconscious mind will begin to put up a wall of energy around the heart. This "wall of energy" is literally made from the energy of trapped emotions. Clearing the heart-wall has allowed those who could not find love to find it; it has allowed those who could not find success to find it; it has changed the lives of those who were suicidal or suffering from severe depression, sometimes literally overnight; it has changed the lives of those suffering from PTSD, and has allowed them to finally find peace. Its removal releases pain found in and around the chest, arms, shoulders and upper back, as well as in other areas. Clearing this heart-wall can and will change your life."



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